Yesterday was my first day "back to school" as a student.
I am in Advanced Child and Adolescent Growth and Development. I have the class once a week, on Tuesday nights. Yesterday was my first day.
I got there early to buy my books...of course i thumbed through the used books to see which one had the best highlighting...this is not my first dog and pony show.
I bought the 5 books i need for my class, and it was only $189!! what a bargain!
I also bought a notebook, folder, pens, and a highlighter.
I was ready!
I sat at the table by myself, notebook open, pen out, ready to go...and then I waited for class to start.
I had a brief moment of "what the heck am I doing here?" well, it wasn't brief, it was actually for about 10-15 minutes before class started.
It began as I tried to find my class....that took a while, but I manged to find it after I had to knock on a locked door to have a lady let me in....Hey I am new give me a break!!
When Dr. Wang came in and had us go around the room to introduced our selves, it became apparent that I was the only NON-TU graduate, and one of the only 2 people who were not full time grad student....and also I was the ONLY student he had not known before!
But after he got started I began to feel a lot better and really enjoyed the class. I have a ton of reading to do each week, which its a good thing I like to read!
All in all it was a great experience and I look forward to doing well.....
Also, it is January 12th and we have NOT had fast-food! awesome! I have all ready began to loose the weight.
...and i have added pics of the boys from last month, watching Dora and Owens first Christmas show
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