Friday, January 2, 2009

2009...One day at a time

Ah, the New Year's Resolution. In the past I have tried once to make a list, but I did not really stick to it. Also, in the past, I based how my year would be on the way I spent my New Year's Eve. This traditionally has worked best for me. However, this year I am going to make a resolution every day. Not make a blanket statement about the year, but base it on a day to day need. *sidebar, the sound on my TV just went away...thank you COX Communications!*

Fun bonus! I am on day two of doing the "Wii Fit Program" I will post how I am doing. I have a goal of 3 pounds in 2 weeks! (ha, that is my fluctuation). Wish me luck! BTW....its super fun!

Because I gave Owen a bath today, I am going to post an after bath pic! Enjoy the cuteness!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dear Manufactures.....

After opening many a presents this holiday season, a lot of which were toys, I noticed how horribly wasteful the packaging was. So, I am composing a letter to the manufactures of products to cut back on the amount of material used to package an item.

Dear Manufactures,
In recent years it has become quite popular to live a "green" lifestyle. A good amount of companies are embracing this fact and capitalizing on our weakness to be more kind to our Mother Earth. With that being said I am now going to pose a few rhetorical questions to illustrate what I really want to say.
  • Charmin, do you really need to wrap the toilet paper in two plastic packages inside one plastic package?
  • Fisher-Price, does all your toys need to be a mini-replica of Fort Knox, with all the tape, and cardboard, and twist ties?
  • To the makers of Pledge All in One Surface cleaner, could you please make your bottles "openable" so I can reuse them?
  • Companies who use blister pack, PLEASE STOP ALL TOGETHER!! THEY SUCK AND I ALWAYS GET HURT TRYING TO OPEN THEM!!! Use a cardboard box!
  • What ever happen to paper shopping bags?.....WALMART??? HMMMMM.......
I feel like a throw away more packaging each and every year and I would like to say it is because I am able to buy more stuff. Not the case, in fact a recent publication noted that "the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2006) found that only approximately 31% of the municipal solid wastes generated in 2005 was from packaging-related materials..." Holy crap, that's a lot of crap!!
So, please be more mindful of convince and impact to the environment!

Happy New Year,
Gina L. Brown